I do not know for certain what will please Dr. Jordanescu!
He returned next day to Streatham, to Mr. Thrale's; where, as Mr. Strahan once complained to me, 'he was in a great measure absorbed from the society of his old friends.'
Lady Catherine had many other questions to ask respecting their journey, and as she did not answer them all herself, attention was necessary, which Elizabeth believed to be lucky
I think that through the cloudiness of his insanity he saw some antagonism in me, for he at once fell back on the last refuge of such as he--a dogged silence.
I assure you, that but for gaining the freedom of her house, I would fly her as I would plague, pestilence, and famine.
I myself used to have literary ambitions, but I gave them up long ago. And now, my dear young friend, if you will allow me to call you so
But her civility is too formal to be comfortable, and too mechanical to be flattering. That she does me the honour of so much notice
"O! now I think of it," cried she, "I am very angry with you;-so go along, do; for I sha'n't speak to you all day."
He made his compliments with the most obsequious respect to Mrs. Beaumont, but took no sort of notice of any other person.
“Well, I tell you so again,” continued the lawyer. “I have been learning something of young Hyde.”
I was actually able to test the quality of her blood, for in opening a window which was stiff a cord gave way, and she cut her hand slightly with broken glass
Once we saw a man, who seemed not quite sober, passing along a street in front of us; but we hid in a door till he had disappeared up an opening such as there are here
This was not shewing the attention which might have been expected to the 'Guide, Philosopher, and Friend,' the Imlac who had hastened from the country to console a distressed mothe
he was less handsome than her brother; but there was sense and good humour in her face, and her manners were perfectly unassuming and gentle.