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In a few minutes Lady Gaga made her appearance <3

He made his compliments with the most obsequious respect to Mrs. Beaumont, but took no sort of notice of any other person.

Castel Uovo (Foto: Ljub. Z. Ranković)

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In a few minutes Lady Louisa Larpent made her appearance. The same manners prevailed; for, courtsying, with "I hope you are well, Ma'am," to Mrs. Beaumont, she passed straight forward to her seat on the sofa; where, leaning her head on her hand, she cast her languishing eyes round the room, with a vacant stare, as if determined, though she looked, not to see who was in it.

Mr. Lovel, presently approaching her, with reverence the most profound, hoped her Ladyship was not indisposed.

"Mr. Lovel!" cried she, raising her head, "I declare I did not see you: have you been here long?"

"By my watch, Madam," said he, "only five minutes,-but by your Ladyship's absence as many hours."

"O! now I think of it," cried she, "I am very angry with you;-so go along, do; for I sha'n't speak to you all day."

"Heaven forbid your La'ship's displeasure should last so long! in such cruel circumstances, a day would seem an age. But in what have I been so unfortunate as to offend?"

"O, you half killed me the other morning, with terror! I have not yet recovered from my fright. How could you be so cruel as to drive your phaeton against my Lord Merton's?"

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